From Jonathan L.S. Byrnes: Senior Lecturer at MIT

Main: Consulting


Jonathan Byrnes is President of Jonathan Byrnes & Co., a focused consulting company that he founded in 1976. He has advised over fifty major companies and industry associations.
Dr. Byrnes has led a number of projects that have produced high value and lasting innovations, including direct development of vendor managed inventory. He has guided major companies through programs of large scale renewing change, including organizational response to deregulation and intensified competition, major acquisitions and reorganizations, and strategic repositioning. His work has led directly to large market share gains and profitability increases, in both high growth and mature businesses.

Representative Projects

Strategy and Corporate Development

Profitability Management

Market Development and Sales Management

Operations and Supply Chain Management

Change Management and Action-Training

Telecommunications Strategy and Management

Economic Development

Consultants’ Consultant

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